Dear Portland,
If you weren't so beautiful and the thought of leaving you in nine months didn't hurt so badly I bet I'd work harder on my graduate school applications. It's your fault.
Dear Creature,
You make me insane. I adore you.
Dear Ross' Work,
Thank you for sending us a giant Honeybaked Ham for Thanksgiving. Too bad there are only two of us.
Dear Tea,
Thank you for getting me through graduate school applications.
Dear Personal Statement,
I'm glad you finally allowed yourself to be written (remember your first draft?). Please be more amenable to editing than you were to writing.
Dear Jon Stewart,
Thank you for introducing me to Truckasaurus.
Dear Sunshine,
I approve.
Dear Administration,
For the first time ever, I do NOT approve.
Dear Husband,
I don't know what I'd do without you. You're the Rocky to my Adrian.
P.S. Concept shamefully (shamelessly) stolen from this blog.
Aww, this made me smile. Happy Thanksgiving, lovey. I'm thankful for YOU!