Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogs. Show all posts

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Because my old template is hopelessly out of date, I'm making some changes to the blog. I'm very much self-taught when it comes to these things, so let me know what you think!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hello all. This isn't the update I'm sure you were hoping for. I apologize for my lack of blogging recently. New job responsibilities + new classes + trying to squeeze as much spouse time as possible = scanty blogging. I'm working on it.

In other news, though, I have been involved in a new project with this girl:

Her name is Kathayoon, we're zoo buddies, and just for kicks we started a design/style blog for people with I Am A Greedy Girl dreams but graduate school budgets. It's My Cherry Amour, and I modestly think that it's pretty awesome... check it out!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Festive photo from our New York trip. More photos to come, promise.

I've thought of two other resolutions to add to my list (bringing the total to a pleasing 10):

9. Carry less heavy s*** every day. Actually, I feel like this one simple (and yet oh so difficult!) change could improve my overall well-being more than almost anything else. Remember my backpack? The trouble is, I have to be on campus all day. Ergo, to make sure I'm using time well, I end up carting a veritable library (plus water, lunch, clothes for the gym, and whatever else I need) back and forth every day. Hopefully, however, all this will soon change... hopefully I'll get that most coveted of possessions for the non-officed: a locker. That would be a New Year's miracle.

10. Record our life. I love this blog, and I especially love it when I write a lot. So my goal is 20 posts a month. That's a sufficiently arbitrary number, don't you think? This is obviously for me more than it is for you (although I LOVE that people actually read this thing). I appreciate the way the blog represents our lives... it's not like a journal, where it's all about what we did and when we did it. It's more like a time capsule, and sometimes when I'm reading old posts it takes a second to remember why the hell I wrote such-and-such. Then I remember everything I was thinking that day, and what was going on, and I love that. But the "what we did" factor is nice, too, so along with blogging I want to start keeping an index card journal, like this one here. As an extremely delinquent journaler, I'm totally on board with the idea of keeping a journal every day, but only having to write enough to fit on one line of an index card.

Anyway, I think that's really it. I drank my full 64 oz of water today, which made me feel like a rockstar. Or maybe a superhero (I doubt rockstars are all that hydrated, at least with water). I am AquaGirl.

Friday, October 29, 2010

how do i do this?

Hi friends. Because I'm absolutely sure that some of you out there (and apparently there are a lot more of you than I thought) know how to do fancy things on Photoshop (Brit, I'm thinking of you), I was hoping you could tell me how to do some things. I'll send you a postcard as a reward.

Problem a: The fancy white background collage with photos and dresses and lots of different things.

Problem b: The photo collage.

Problem c: The simple linked photo (I'd love how to do two and four photos like this).

Thanks in advance to whoever bails me out. I've been wanting to know how to do this stuff forever and I finally have access to Photoshop, hooray!