Friday, January 17, 2014

2013 year in review: january through july

Oh, hello! How nice to see you again, blog. You may have noticed that, while 2013 was many things, both good and bad, one thing it definitely was not was my year for blogging. Sorry 'bout that.

And hi, this is Ross, I'm inserting a comment into this dismal showing of a blog tyhing. And I misspelled thing. Blogging is hard by the way. And texting is stupid. That's all I thought I need to share with the world. Goodbye.

This is Haylie again. That happened. This post is all about some other things that happened, too. Because 2013 was such a big year (and because I was such a total blogging fail), I'm going to split my traditional (and trademarked) "Year in Review" blog post into a few posts.

January began well (Januaries usually do, I find), with a visit to see my Dad.

My dad has had some complications in his health this year that have been sad and hard and that have hung over just about all of 2013. But rather than dwell on that, let's all take a moment to appreciate what a badass he is. I fervently hope Ross' and my kids get his red hair.

January also included the Inauguration of the guy I voted for (you're welcome/sorry). Not a fan of the crowds, Ross walked me down the hill but then bailed, and I watched the Inauguration myself.

From reaaaaally far away (which is ironic, since we live reaaaaally close).

Behold, the world's most passive-aggressive inauguration sign. Or is it kind of sweet? I keep changing my mind.

I like this next photo because it conveys how close to the Capitol our apartment is. That's our building on the right, and these are some of the crowds leaving the Inauguration.

Due to a combination of things, we had something of a windfall at the beginning of the year, and used our relative largesse to buy an iPad mini, which has completely changed my life. Mostly I use it for school ("mostly"), but here's the first photo that it took.

Like all Januaries, Jan. 2013 included lots of cuddling with Creature...

citrus juice...

... and marveling at the seats of government in the snow.


February was quiet, with more cuddling with Creature...

the traditional Valentine's Day pot pie...

and time spent with the kids at Prospect Learning Center. Beginning in 2010, I worked (sometimes as a volunteer, sometimes as a paid employee) with these kids and fell head-over-heels in love with them. Their school closed in May 2013 and the kids were all sent to different schools, so you'll be seeing a lot of them in this review.


In March I worried about my dad...

watched the elephants on parade with Ross (and had VERY mixed feelings about it)...

gardened with my kids...

and watched spring begin to creep into the city.

In March I also changed the look of the blog, because apparently I had a lot of time then. Something to look forward to?


April began with the Saga of the Cherry Blossoms (trademark pending)...

and the Cherry Blossom Festival!

These are my friends Kadie and Courtney. They, along with my photographer friend, Linnea (who took the next three photos), came to the parade with me. Kadie and Courtney were Master's students at GW and graduated in May, effectively ripping my heart out. So much for loyalty. 

In April we also celebrated Shakespeare's birthday at the Folger Shakespeare Library...

and Ross and I celebrated some really beautiful weather. 

(Also in April, I wrote this morning mnemonic, which still cracks me up and stresses me out in equal measure).


May deserves a blog post of its own. But in lieu of that, here are a whole bunch of pictures! See, I spent  a week watching my friend's super aggressive, endlessly charming cat in her apartment. Where, you say? Oh, Brooklyn. No big deal HUGE FREAKING DEAL. I've always wanted to live in the city, and here was my chance. It was amazing. I was there on my own for about five days, and then Ross came to play! It was the best.

This owl (painted on a "jousting targe"!!!) was my favorite. Its crest reads: "Though I am hated by all birds, I nevertheless rather enjoy that." HA.

My little medievalist heart loved the heck out of The Cloisters, the architecturally amazing wing of the Met. 


This is Marston. Don't let this photo fool you; he was a total jerk. I really liked him.

More Cloisters!

Just a Brooklynite. No big deal.

Is that a pike in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Brookyln Botanical Gardens.

We went to a movie (Iron Man 3; it was all right!), thus fulfilling my fondest Harriet the Spy dreams (did anyone else read that book and dream about going to a movie, preferably in the back of a delivery bike? No?).

Other things happened in May, too. Creature looked like a doofus.

I gardened with my kids.

And we went to the first of many outdoor films at NOMA!

Also, Ross sent me this hilarious email.


In June I said goodbye to the kids at Kid Power, who also said goodbye to their school and scattered. I really loved working with these kids, and I miss them a lot.

Sigh. In June we also enjoyed the first of many concerts at the Capitol...

visited Ross' family in Chicago...

took the year's first camping trip...

.... and studied studied studied.


In July Ross started his six-month construction rotation...

we celebrated my birthday with homemade poptarts...

and this amazing portrait made by Linnea.

In July we also got to see the corpse flower in full bloom, which was amazing and very Little-Shop-of-Horrors-esque.

I continued studying and stress-ate watermelon...

and continued my summer dog walking gig (this is Rex).

That's it for the first part of the year! Stay tuned for August.


  1. I am hopelessly saddened that Gilbert and I did not make it into the New York portion of your year in review.
    Also, I love your photos. They capture your and Ross's (wow that's a lot of S's) life in a way that is both beautiful and charming.
    So glad to see your blog filled with new content. Please do continue to share your adventures with us.

    P.S. "hopelessly saddened" might have been an exaggeration... and "might have been" = totally was

  2. I'm so happy to be able to read this summary post. It's always so nice to see something of the adventures and lives of loved one's who live far away. I'm looking forward to the second half of 2013.
