Monday, August 30, 2010

squirrel racist

I saw a black squirrel today (I didn't have my camera, though, so this isn't my picture, and because it's a picture of, you know, a squirrel, I feel it would be silly to cite my source). I've never seen one before. Apparently, they're a melanistic subgroup of the Eastern Gray Squirrel (according to Wikipedia). They do well in the Northeast because of their increased cold tolerance, and they're unusually common in DC. Anyway, I never knew they were a thing, and did a total double take when I saw it, which made me feel a little bit squirrel racist. "Doesn't mean [I] go around committing hate cri-i-imes...*

In case you're wondering why I'm dwelling on this (which you're not, but I'm going to tell you anyway), it's because I had a crap-tastic day and seeing the squirrel was the best part. BUT. Never fear. Tomorrow is sure to be better, for tomorrow is Apply For An Apartment Day! Hooray! Stay tuned.

*This is from "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" from Avenue Q, P.S. I haven't completely lost it. It was a relevant digression.


  1. non-portland colored squirrels also freak me out, don't worry.

  2. It kind of reminds me of the skunk in the movie, "Over the Hedge," that gets all black to pretend it's a cat.

  3. I saw one in Vancouver BC last year. I followed him around for a long time taking pictures while Adam was taking pictures of things normal people would like. Here is my squirrel.!/photo.php?pid=30216508&id=146200091&ref=fbx_album He looks more chocolate brown in this picture, but I remember being impressed by his dark color regardless.

  4. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog the other day. Photography compliments always make me feel giddy. Gracias.

    Sorry -- no commentary on the black squirrels.

  5. A bunch of people in my class freaked out about some raccoons today. It was great. New animals are fun. AND that squirrel is freaky.

  6. i remember when i saw my first black squirrel in d.c. we had a sign at the zoo specifically about black squirrels because they throw so many people off.
